Worcestershire Commissioned NHS Adult Autism Service

Our NHS Adult Autism Service is available to adults (aged 16+) on referral from your GP or other health professional in Hereford & Worcester. This service provides assessment and support for adults who have, or are suspected of having, an Autistic Spectrum Condition.


What we offer

Assessment and Diagnosis:

Our Multidisciplinary assessment consists of several stages, including;

Initial assessment: An in-depth discussion of your concerns with your allocated key worker to discuss whether a full assessment for ASC is required, or whether some other form of support or alternative service may be more appropriate.

If diagnostic assessment is recommended, this would include any of the following as required:

Cognitive Assessment: An assessment of your cognitive abilities or IQ.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS): Assessment activities focussing on your communication, social interaction and imagination.
Sensory Assessment: A self-report questionnaire, assessing whether you have any sensory processing difficulties.
Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI-R): A discussion between the clinician and a family member or partner to gain further background information.
Feedback session: An opportunity to discuss the outcome of your assessment with your key worker, along with recommendations for the next steps.

Support is offered via Autism West Midlands. 

In order to access this service, your first point of call should be your GP who can discuss your concerns with you and make a referral to us. Individuals must be registered with a Worcestershire GP to access this service and the referral must be made by a relevant health professional. 


Call us on 01562 610011.